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Utilize your local library

I am so impressed again with the life giving power of literature. If I were a young person today, trying to gain a sense of myself in the world, I would do that again by reading, just as I did when I was young
— Maya Angelou

Libraries are a wealth of knowledge! A wealth that is usually unclaimed by so many within the local community.

As a military family, we have moved all over this country. And with every move, we make sure to find our local public libraries.


What do libraries have to offer?

Local public libraries offer so many wonderful resources that you might not know about. Here are just a few:

  • free computer access

  • free internet

  • TONS of free classes for all ages

  • computers, tablets, and other electronics to check out and take home.

  • access to printing, copying, and faxing (because who has a home printer any more?)

  • All the books you could ever want!

If this sounds too good to be true, I encourage you to go check out your own local library to see what hidden gems you might find.

What we enjoy!

As a homeschool family, our family loves going to the family story time hour classes, craft classes, Lego clubs, and STEM classes.

This library class (pictured) even has snacks and juice, which is another reason the kids beg to go!

We usually work the library classes into our weekly schedule every single week. They have a ton of classes both during day time hours, and after work hours, to accommodate many schedules.

My kids love the classes because this is a time where they are allowed to wiggle, without being a distraction, or chat with friends, without being told to sit still and be quiet.

Still another reason why I LOVE homeschooling.

Every week we check out new books, new tablets, and new dvd’s (we don’t pay for cable or television to save on wasteful spending).

It’s definitely one of our favorite days of the week!

All libraries are different!

As a traveling homeschool military family, we have seen a TON of libraries ALL across the country! And I have to say, they are all incredibly different!

I have been to libraries with tons of free classes, but few books, and I have been to some with tons of books, but few classes.

One of the biggest libraries I had ever seen, had a big building, beautiful facilities, tons of book shelves, but hardly any books on the shelves!

So finding the hidden gems inside of your community library is like finding a hidden treasure!

Your Library is NOT free!

Some people claim that a library is the only place you can go for free entertainment. But, I disagree. A library is paid for by your tax dollars.

So if you are already paying for it, why aren’t you using it?


The number ONE reason I love homeschooling!

There are many reasons I love homeschooling. I get to hang out with my kids each day, spend my day with cuddles, and make sure that they never fall behind in their learning.

I mean, who wouldn’t love that every day?

But my favorite reason of all is FREEDOM!


There is so much freedom in homeschooling! Freedom to do what I want, when I want! If I don’t want to start school by 8:00 am, no problem! Want to start by noon? SURE! Why not?

I get to choose my own curriculum that works for my family, choose how we learn, choose what we learn. And best of all, if I don’t want to do school today, there are ZERO consequences to not doing school.

If I want to take my kids on vacation, in the middle of “testing season”, who is to stop me?

If we want to go to the beach mid week, why not?

If we want to go to the park or a coffee shop today, then we do what we want, when we want!

If we want to get our days worth of school work done in 2 hours, then we get the whole day to play, or do whatever we want!


Time Freedom

This is true freedom! I have the freedom of my time BELONGING to me!

No one else tells me what I can or cannot do today. No teacher will tell me that we are falling behind. No teacher will tell me my kid talks to much, No teacher will tell me my kids weren’t behaving today.

Time freedom is truly the BEST freedom in the world. My time belongs to my kids, as it should be. We hang out, we read, we learn together, we have discussions about how confusing ELA can be.

And we have the time to enjoy each other.

No Constraints

Homeschooling has truly been one of the best decisions we have ever made. My kids excel and thrive by learning at their own pace.

I do not have teachers or principals or schools telling me what I can or cannot do. Their is no one that I report to, and no one that controls my time.

What about work?

If you are new to me, HI, I’m Rachael. I am an online math tutor. I set my own schedule around the schedule of my kids. My work will never interfere with the adventures or activities of the day.

As a tutor, I am self employed. I have the freedom to work for myself, and set my own schedule. I never have to ask an employer or boss if I am allowed to take a sick day, or take my kids out for the day!

If you would like to learn more about working with me as a tutor for your child, feel free to reach out!

The Best life decision

Ultimately, deciding to homeschool my kiddos has been the best life decision I have made. I am teaching my kids to pursue what you love, and don’t waste your life on things you hate.

So if you have kids going to public school, what is holding you back from homeschooling?

What To Do If You Don't Get Into College This Year

You submitted your college application towards the end of last year, and you have started to hear back from your choices. Unfortunately, you’ve not been offered a place. For whatever reason, they didn’t like your application and you’re not going to be heading off to college in September.

Many, many, students are currently in this position. It can feel difficult as you don’t really know what to do about the situation. There was a lot of pressure on you to get into college, and you’ve failed.

Don’t worry, failure doesn’t really exist. Every time you ‘fail’ in life - particularly regarding your education - it is simply a time for more learning. Take this situation, reflect on it and then figure out what to do next. You have options, more than you think, and here are a few of them:

Why I HATE Public Schools!


I am a homeschool mom!

We have chosen to homeschool for our family for a million and one reasons! But mostly, because it really works for us.

Homeschooling can be tiring, messy, frustrating, and yes, even a little expensive for some. But I believe all the benefits outweigh the costs.

Do my children miss school? Nope, not at all. The truth is, we can replicate the benefits of classroom learning by joining co-ops, and church groups, which have all the fun benefits of learning or creating friendships and relationships, without all the downsides to traditional public schools.

Would I ever re-consider public school for my kiddos? No! Not ever! And here’s why I HATE public school:


Public School does NOT educate

Our public school system is designed to educate our children, but think about how many kids learn almost nothing in schools. Many kids who fail, are then just passed along to the next grade to be someone elses problem. Many students that graduate do not even know the basics of math, reading, and writing.

How do I know? I am a math tutor for high school and middle school students.

Schools do not even teach the basics of what kids need to succeed in adulthood. Like how to set up a budget, how to stay out of debt, or how to do taxes! Aren’t these far more important for a life of success??

Political/Personal Beliefs

Yup, I said it. Neither teachers nor schools should be promoting a political ideology, nor promoting their own personal beliefs. Morals should be taught at home, by the parents only!

No matter what you want to teach your child about right and wrong, that should be your right and privilege as a parent!

Unfortunately, when schools become inclusive to “all”, they actually become exclusive to many.

I will not allow any one to shove indoctrination into my children. PERIOD!

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Active Shooter Drills

If teaching a child to play dead is the best way we have at protecting our kids from an active shooter in their schools, then we, as a society, are not protecting our kids.

No child should have to learn what to do during an active shooter drill, and the fact that we still can’t protect them, makes me mad. This is just another reason why I will not be sending my child to school.

When we school at home, my children are completely protected, and do not have to go through the trauma of an active shooter drill.

Bad teachers

Although there are many good teachers in schools, there are also plenty of bad ones. I personally was bullied and racially shamed by several of my own teachers throughout my childhood.

I have also heard from anonymous teachers, that in all honesty, would not risk their lives during an active shooter situation in order to save your child.

Let that sink in.

Your own child’s teacher, may not be interested in saving your child’s lives over their own.

We need to find a better way of getting rid of the bad teachers, and paying the good teachers SO MUCH MORE!

Now, I could make this list a mile long, but these are the most important reasons why I homeschool my kids, and why I will never send them to public schools.

Have any questions for me? Leave a comment.

Want to know how to find out more about private math tutoring for you child? Sign up here!


Practical Ways To Fund Your College Education

Having a college education comes with benefits worth considering. First, it enables you to get more access to various job opportunities while increasing your earning potential. Likewise, you can acquire the needed skills for a specialized career, becoming a top talent for potential employers. You can become more financially stable and lead a comfortable life with a good job and income.

Feeling Nervous About Your Graduation Ceremony?

The big day may be approaching you sometime soon and aside from the excitement of entering a new phase of your life and leaving education behind (at least for now), it’s not uncommon for some young adults to start feeling a little antsy about graduation. Your time in the spotlight might not be very long, but if you’re nervous about messing things up or not being ready, here are a few tips to make sure that you’re ready.

Why I homeschool my kids

I am a homeschool mom!

We have chosen to homeschool for our family for a million and one reasons! But mostly, because it really works for us.

Homeschooling can be tiring, messy, frustrating, and yes, even a little expensive for some. But I believe all the benefits outweigh the costs.


Do my children miss school? Nope, not at all. The truth is, we can replicate the benefits of classroom learning by joining co-ops, and church groups, which have all the fun benefits of learning or creating friendships and relationships, without all the downsides to traditional public schools.


Would I ever re-consider public school for my kiddos? No! Not ever! And here’s why I HATE public school:

Public School does NOT educate

Our public school system is designed to educate our children, but think about how many kids learn almost nothing in schools. Many kids who fail, are then just passed along to the next grade to be someone elses problem. Many students that graduate do not even know the basics of math, reading, and writing.

How do I know? I am a math tutor for high school and middle school students.

Schools do not even teach the basics of what kids need to succeed in adulthood. Like how to set up a budget, how to stay out of debt, or how to do taxes! Aren’t these far more important for a life of success??

Political/Personal Beliefs

Yup, I said it. Neither teachers nor schools should be promoting a political ideology, nor promoting their own personal beliefs. Morals should be taught at home, by the parents only!

No matter what you want to teach your child about right and wrong, that should be your right and privilege as a parent!

Unfortunately, when schools become inclusive to “all”, they actually become exclusive to many.

I will not allow any one to shove indoctrination into my children. PERIOD!


Active Shooter Drills

If teaching a child to play dead is the best way we have at protecting our kids from an active shooter in their schools, then we, as a society, are not protecting our kids.

No child should have to learn what to do during an active shooter drill, and the fact that we still can’t protect them, makes me mad. This is just another reason why I will not be sending my child to school.

When we school at home, my children are completely protected, and do not have to go through the trauma of an active shooter drill.

Bad teachers

Although there are many good teachers in schools, there are also plenty of bad ones. I personally was bullied and racially shamed by several of my own teachers throughout my childhood.

I have also heard from anonymous teachers, that in all honesty, would not risk their lives during an active shooter situation in order to save your child.

Let that sink in.

Your own child’s teacher, may not be interested in saving your child’s lives over their own.

We need to find a better way of getting rid of the bad teachers, and paying the good teachers SO MUCH MORE!

Now, I could make this list a mile long, but these are the most important reasons why I homeschool my kids, and why I will never send them to public schools.

Have any questions for me? Leave a comment.

Want to know how to find out more about private math tutoring for you child? Sign up here!