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What are study skills?

As an academic mentor, I teach study skills to ALL my students!


Because having the right study skills is the number one determining factor on your child’s grades.

But even when I ask students if they have study skills, most students will honestly ask: “What are study skills?”

You see, most students only THINK they have good study skills, but, in reality, many students don’t have study skills at all!

You student probably doesn’t have good study skills because they don’t even know what study skills are!

Many students that I have worked with, had no clue what study skills were!

If I asked them how they “studied” for a test, they would tell me that they read a few pages in a chapter the night before a test!

And they had no clue that reading does not equal studying!

If your mind is blown, just like that student, then take just a minute to find out what study skills actually are!

So what are study skills?

In honestly, I actually really hate the term “study skills”. Because when I ask a teen if they have study skills, they think I am asking about how they study. But study skills is SO MUCH MORE than just how to study!!

I prefer to call them academic skills, because these are the skills your student actually needs in order to do well in school!

Picture this! If I show up to an interview, and after the interview realize that I do not have ANY of the skills needed for the job, do you think I will get hired for that job??


Then why is it our teachers are giving tests and homework to our teens, without ever teaching them the skill set needed for success in school?

If our students are not doing well in school, it’s because they do NOT have the right skill set needed for school.

And that is what study skills are for!

Study skills are the skill set that our teens and students need for success in school!

So what skills do our teens need to know to have good study skills?

The skill set they need includes:

  • Time management

  • Organization

  • Project Management

  • Learning skills

  • Note Taking

  • Motivation

  • Self Advocacy

  • Etc.

With these skills, your teen or student will be able to tackle any learning challenge, no matter how difficult!

Does your student have these skills?

It’s assessment time! Go through this list and ask yourself, “Does my teen currently have or use this skill in school?

Does my teen use good time management? Or do they frequently stay up till midnight the night before an assignment is due?

Does my teen have good organization? Or do they lose homework, or “forget” to do homework?

Does my student have good learning skills? Or do they study for hours and still not able to pass a test?

Does my child have good note taking skills? Or do they not even take notes at all?

Does my child have good motivation? Or do they even care about their grades?

Is my child their own self advocate? Or are they afraid to speak up?

If you would like to find out how to teach these skills to your teen or student, sign up below to get your free mini course to learn how!



My name is Rachael and I have been a private tutor for over 12 years. I earned my undergraduate degree in 2 and a half years and earned my graduate degree by age 22. I have tutored dozens of high school students, college students, and graduate students. I offer my resources and experience to help parents learn how to best help their teen or child that is struggling in school. 


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