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Why Parents of Teens need support too!

Let me ask you, do you have good support around you?

Do you have any support system around you?

If you are a parent of a teen then you NEED a good support system and a good parent support group!

Parenting is HARD! Teens can be SO rough on parents!

We pour and pour our love, support, and encouragement into them, only to be left feeling completely dry ourselves!

So I’d love to know! Do you have a support group?

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Related: Join the parent support group for parents of teens that struggle in school.

Here are all the reasons why you NEED a support group!

Need the encouragement

As parents, sometimes we need weekly encouragement.

Sometimes we need daily encouragement! :D

Having a place for someone to give us encouragement or someone to pour love into our lives can help us get through a hard week.

It helps to have encouragement and understand from others that are going through the same situations and life circumstances together!

need the support

Parents also need a place of support.

Do you currently have a group or inner circle that helps support you in your parenting journey?

I hope you have a physical support system built up around you. If you do not have a physical system with you, you can find and use online groups of other parents to help support you.

With modern technology, we can stay connected and support by other parents from all around the world!

need the connection

Many times, parenting can feel like a lonely island. I, like many parents, need a place of connection.

Find a group that offers a place for connection, for building relationships based on understanding.

Being connected, and having a place of open communication, will help many parents in this parenting journey.

need the community

Many parents need a place of community! I love my place of community and being a part of a community as a whole. But where do you turn if you do not have a place of community where you live?

You can find a group or community online that serves you, your needs, and your teens needs.

Having a place of community helps me feel like I belong.

Do you have a community that makes you feel like you belong?

Join the Academic Accelerators for Parents of Teens

We have a community on Facebook for parents of teens that struggle in school. In Academic Accelerator for Parents of Teens, you will receive weekly support, encouragement, and resources to help you as a parent navigate how to help your teen perform better in school.

You do not have to feel like a lonely island!

You can join us in our group and be a part of our encouragement, support, connection, and community!

By having this connection and community with other parents, you can know that every other parents knows just how you feel and what you are going through with your teen or preteen.

I’d love to have you join us in the group! I can’t wait to see you there!


Hey there! My name is Rachael and I have been a private tutor for over 10 years. I earned my undergraduate degree in 2 and a half years and earned my graduate degree by age 22. I have tutored dozens of high school students, college students, and graduate students. I offer support, encouragement, and resources to help parents learn how to best help their teen or child that is struggling in school.